Monday, May 9, 2016

Musical May-Ham! Day 7

Sorry, nothing new or major today. I had a long day traveling back from New York where I saw  Hamilton over the weekend. It was amazing! But since I was traveling today I didn't have time to make anything new, so I am just going to give you guys an older edit I made a while ago.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Musical May-Ham! Day 6

Happy Mothers Day! Here are some Hamilton themed cards for the material figure in your life. There is also one for Father's Day.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Musical May-Ham! Day 5

Last night I saw Hamilton and it was amazing! I am entering the lottery in hopes of getting tickets to see it again. In the mean time I have your daily Hamilton art fix. Today's peice is miniature Hamilton figurines with Hamilton quotes on them.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Musical May-Ham! Day 4

Happy Friday! Don't forget to write like you're running out of time and finish your homework this weekend. Here is a reminder in the form of a colored pencil drawing with calligraphy. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Musical May-Ham! Day 3

Tonight's art is just a quick drawing of a NYC skyline and the Schuyler Sisters featured below it. This was colored using oil pastels and touched up with ink pens.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Musical May-Ham! Day 2

2016 is an election year but the election I am worried about is the Election of 1800, so I made some posters for the campaigns. Modeled by my lovely brother and sister, here are some posters to help spread awareness for the real candidates this year.   

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Musical May-Ham! Day 1

Happy official first day of Musical May-Ham. Your starter this evening will be some fresh Hamilton memes. Enjoy!